21 Days of Hips
Yoga at your pace. Tap into your unlimited capabilities.
Lesson 1: Welcome
Welcome video for 21 Days of Yoga. This video explains purpose of practice, how to use the practice and how the practice will unfold.
Welcome video for 21 Days of Yoga. This video explains purpose of practice, how to use the practice and how the practice will unfold.
Lesson 2: Self cleansing techniques
In this video Zoha teaches you some cleansing techniques to help you maintain your energy throughout this practice.
In this video Zoha teaches you some cleansing techniques to help you maintain your energy throughout this practice.
Lesson 3:Butterfly pose (Buddha Konasana)
In this video Zoha goes over how to practice yogic breathing, and the first asana of the series Butterfly pose or Bound Angle pose. Helpful tips for how to use this asana and the benefits of this yoga pose.
In this video Zoha goes over how to practice yogic breathing, and the first asana of the series Butterfly pose or Bound Angle pose. Helpful tips for how to use this asana and the benefits of this yoga pose.
Lesson 4: Happy Baby Pose / Ananda Balasana
In this video Zoha walks you through Happy Baby pose or Ananda Balasana. She give tips, benefits and modifications for this asana.
In this video Zoha walks you through Happy Baby pose or Ananda Balasana. She give tips, benefits and modifications for this asana.
Lesson 5: Child's Pose/Balasana
In this video Zoha introduces the asana for the day, which is Child’s pose or Balansana. She gives tips, benefits and modifications for the pose
In this video Zoha introduces the asana for the day, which is Child’s pose or Balansana. She gives tips, benefits and modifications for the pose
Lesson 6: Half lord of the fishes/ Ardha Matsyendrasana
In this video Zoha introduces the pose of the day, Half lord of the fishes. She also talks benefits, tips and modifications for the pose.
In this video Zoha introduces the pose of the day, Half lord of the fishes. She also talks benefits, tips and modifications for the pose.
Lesson 7: Yogi Squat/ Malasana
In this video Zoha introduced the pose of the day which is Malasana or Yogi Squat. She share the benefits, tips and modifications for this asana.
In this video Zoha introduced the pose of the day which is Malasana or Yogi Squat. She share the benefits, tips and modifications for this asana.
Lesson 8: Leg Cradle/ Hindolasana
In this video Zoha introduces the pose of the day, which is Leg Cradle or Rock the Baby. The Sanskrit name is Hindolasana. This video explains tips on how to enter the pose, benefits and modifications.
In this video Zoha introduces the pose of the day, which is Leg Cradle or Rock the Baby. The Sanskrit name is Hindolasana. This video explains tips on how to enter the pose, benefits and modifications.
Lesson 9: Low Lunge/ Anjaneyasana
In this video Zoha introduces our asana of the day, Low Lunge or Anjanseyasana. This video gives tips, modifications and benefits of the asana.
In this video Zoha introduces our asana of the day, Low Lunge or Anjanseyasana. This video gives tips, modifications and benefits of the asana.
Prestretch yoga for warming the body up for advanced yoga asanas.
Lesson 1: Hero Pose/ Virasana
In this video Zoha instructs you how to get in to seat hero pose or Virasana. This video gives tips , modifications and benefits of the pose.
In this video Zoha instructs you how to get in to seat hero pose or Virasana. This video gives tips , modifications and benefits of the pose.
Lesson 2: Pigeon pose/ Rajakataposana
In this video Zoha introduces Pigeon pose or Rajakataposana. She gives tips, benefits and modifications for this asana.
In this video Zoha introduces Pigeon pose or Rajakataposana. She gives tips, benefits and modifications for this asana.
Lesson 3: Head to Knee pose/ Janu Sirasana
In this video Zoha introduces today’s asana, which is Head to knee pose or JanuSirsana. This video explores tips, modifications and benefits of this pose.
In this video Zoha introduces today’s asana, which is Head to knee pose or JanuSirsana. This video explores tips, modifications and benefits of this pose.
Lesson 4: Deer pose/ Mrigiasana
In this video Zoha introduces Deer pose. She gives tips, benefits and modifications for this asana.
In this video Zoha introduces Deer pose. She gives tips, benefits and modifications for this asana.
Lesson: 5 Front Half Split/ Ardha Humanasana
In this video Zoha introduces Front Half Split Pose. she gives tips, benefits and modifications for this asana.
In this video Zoha introduces Front Half Split Pose. she gives tips, benefits and modifications for this asana.
Lesson 6: Side Lunge/ Skandasana
In this video Zoha introduces Side Lunge or Skandasana. She also gives helpful tips, benefits and modifications for this asana.
In this video Zoha introduces Side Lunge or Skandasana. She also gives helpful tips, benefits and modifications for this asana.
Lesson 7: Wide Legged Forward Fold/ Upvista Konasana
In this video Zoha introduces Seated Wide Legged Forward Fold or Upvista Konasana. She teaches tips, benefits and modifications for tjis asana.
In this video Zoha introduces Seated Wide Legged Forward Fold or Upvista Konasana. She teaches tips, benefits and modifications for tjis asana.
Lesson 8: Root Chakra Yoga
The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine and it correlates with the color red. This Chakra activates our safety, security, confidence and stability. When The Root Chakra is in need of healing the imbalance usually presents itself as any of these or a combination of these symptoms: anxiety, fear, feeling unsafe, trouble making decisions, low confidence, doubt, difficulties concentrating, panic attacks or negative thought patterns.
The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine and it correlates with the color red. This Chakra activates our safety, security, confidence and stability. When The Root Chakra is in need of healing the imbalance usually presents itself as any of these or a combination of these symptoms: anxiety, fear, feeling unsafe, trouble making decisions, low confidence, doubt, difficulties concentrating, panic attacks or negative thought patterns.
Lesson 1: Frog Pose/ Mandukasana
In this video Zoha introduces Frog Pose or Mandukasana. She gives tips, benefits and modifications for t hi is asana.
In this video Zoha introduces Frog Pose or Mandukasana. She gives tips, benefits and modifications for t hi is asana.
Lesson 2: Side Split Pose/Ardha Humanasana
In this video Zoha introduces side split pose or ardha hanumanasana. This video also has tops, benefits and modifications for this asana.
In this video Zoha introduces side split pose or ardha hanumanasana. This video also has tops, benefits and modifications for this asana.
Lesson 3: Intense Side Stretch/Parvattonasana
In this video Zoha introduces pyramid pose or intense side stretch or Parvattonasana. This video also includes tips, benefits and modifications for this asana.
In this video Zoha introduces pyramid pose or intense side stretch or Parvattonasana. This video also includes tips, benefits and modifications for this asana.
Lesson 4: Goddess Pose/Utkata Konasana
In this video Zoha introduces Goddess Pose or Utkata Konasana. This video includes tips, benefits and modifications for this asana.
In this video Zoha introduces Goddess Pose or Utkata Konasana. This video includes tips, benefits and modifications for this asana.
Lesson 5: Half Lotus Pose/Ardha Padmasana
In to is video Zoha introduces Half Lotus pose or Ardha Padmasana. She give tips, benefits and modifications for this asana.
In to is video Zoha introduces Half Lotus pose or Ardha Padmasana. She give tips, benefits and modifications for this asana.
Lesson 6: Compass Pose
In this video Zoha introduces Compass Pose or parivrtta surya yantrasana. This pose requires a warm up before attempting so please go back to the beginning of this practice and use Cradle pose, Butterfly pose and Wide legged forward fold to warm up. This video includes tip, benefits and modifications for this asana.
In this video Zoha introduces Compass Pose or parivrtta surya yantrasana. This pose requires a warm up before attempting so please go back to the beginning of this practice and use Cradle pose, Butterfly pose and Wide legged forward fold to warm up. This video includes tip, benefits and modifications for this asana.
Lesson 7: Splits/Humanasana
In this video Zoha introduces Splits or Humanasana. This video gives tips, benefits and modifications to use to best prepare and practice this asana.
In this video Zoha introduces Splits or Humanasana. This video gives tips, benefits and modifications to use to best prepare and practice this asana.
Lesson 8: Sacral Chakra Yoga
Sacral Chakra is our 2 chakra in the seven chakra scale.
Sacral chakra yoga helps us tune into our creativity, sensuality & authentic emotional expression.
Sacral Chakra is our 2 chakra in the seven chakra scale.
Sacral chakra yoga helps us tune into our creativity, sensuality & authentic emotional expression.